Cleeve Prior Parish Council meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:30pm (except for August) in the War Memorial Village Hall.
Next Scheduled Meeting at the War Memorial Village Hall, Cleeve Prior:
Monday 2nd September 2024
7.30pm Annual Parish Council meeting
All welcome.
Members of Cleeve Prior Parish Council are unpaid parishioners elected by parishioners or in case of vacancies, co-opted by the Council. Elections are every four years; the last election was held in the spring of 2019. There are seven seats on Cleeve Prior Parish Council and three councillors are required to be quorate for a meeting.
The Council is financed in the main by the precept. The precept is the Council's share of the council tax collected by Wychavon District Council. Each year, generally around November, Cleeve Prior Parish Council sets its budget and precept request for the following financial year. Your Council encourages parishioners to participate in the budget process by outlining parish needs and aspirations.
Cleeve Prior Parish Council consists of a team of competent, committed and experienced volunteers.
Cllr Bryan Eden - Chairman
Cllr Mary J Smith - Vice Chairman
Cllr Peter Wilson
Cllr Ian Robinson
Cllr Kevin Mellor
Cllr Sandra Vincent
Cllr Nicky Marshall
Stacey Smith
Clerk and RFO
Our village website
Our local pub
Our lovely village school
Cleeve Prior C of E Primary School