The Council is responsible for several amenities in the parish. These include the Parish Wharf (common land), the play equipment on the school playground and the Green (common land). See the left column for detailed information on the War Memorial Hall (including hall rental) and Amenity Documents.
Parish Wharf
The parish wharf is common land belonging to the village and therefore all villagers have the right to fish there for free if they have a rod licence.
Located adjacent to the old saxon weir and the mill site this was the early crossing point over the river to the station at Salford Prior.
Parishioners are welcome to use the Parish Wharf at their own risk. A special thanks must go to the volunteers of the The Parish Wharf Project. It has been very successful in clearing brush and vegetation at the Wharf and adjacent BAA land to enhance the amenity value for parishioners. A picnic table was installed and a bbq may be a future addition. The Council requests that parishioners remove their rubbish when leaving and report any potential problems with the pier or other equipment to the Clerk.
Play Equipment
The play equipment on the school playground is open to students of Cleeve Prior C of E Primary School or children accompanied by an adult outside of school hours. It is the adult’s responsibility to assess the suitability of the equipment for the child’s age and ability. Please report any potential problems with the equipment to the Clerk.
Village Green
The Green is maintained by the Council and occassionally used for parish events.
There is common land in front of The Garage and the immediate properties adjacent either side. Parking is permitted in these areas.
The War Memorial Hall is managed by a voluntary management committee which hold regular social functions to raise funds. The Hall can also be booked for private use. To book the Memorial Hall please email
Cleeve Prior is fortunate to have an extensive network of public footpaths which are predominately maintained by local volunteers. Evesham Rambling Club launched a series of waymarked walks around the Vale of Evesham. One of these walks, #3, takes in The Littletons, Offenham and Cleeve Prior. It can be walked as a continuous ten mile route or as two shorter walks starting in Middle Littleton. The walks have a unique waymark which includes a QR Code which can be downloaded to phones anywhere on the route. The walk is a culmination of a footpath improvement project completed in Cleeve Prior. The improvements include replacing stiles with gates and replacing several damaged bridges.
Other Village Amenities
The Heritage Trust
A charitable trust focused on education, preservation and conservation of the local environment and habitat for present and future generations of the village and the surrounding area.
The Millennium Green Trust
The Trustees shall hold and maintain an open space to be known as ” Cleeve Prior Millennium Green”, for the benefit of the inhabitants, and to be used for ever as an area for informal recreation, play or other leisure-time occupations, a meeting area or place for community events, and for any other lawful purpose consistent with these trusts and for the general benefit of the community
There is a wide and extensive networkof footpaths around the village